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International Employees

Notice: IRS Erroneous $1,400.00 Refund Communications

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the U.S. government tax authority, requires Bowdoin College to collect information from all non-U.S. citizens and non-permanent resident aliens to determine the appropriate rate of tax withholding and reporting for any payments that may be made to such individuals.

For assistance with determining this information, Bowdoin College provides you with access to a software system called GLACIER Online Tax Compliance System. The Controller's Office and Student Employment Office (for students) will work with you to complete the online process and appropriate forms so that the correct tax withholding and reporting decisions are made for you.

Information provided to GLACIER is transmitted and stored securely and will only be used by Bowdoin College for purposes of tax withholding and reporting.

Tax Deadlines

Tax Return Filing Deadline: The tax filing deadline is April 15, but we highly encourage you to complete your tax return(s) well before the deadline. 

Nonresident Alien Federal Tax Return Filing

GLACIER Tax Prep (GTP) is a tax return preparation software program designed primarily for Nonresident Alien students, scholars, trainees, researchers, and other educational immigration statuses to prepare their U.S. Federal income tax return (form 1040NR). Use of the software is free of charge, but is limited to people with Bowdoin College connections.

GLACIER Tax Prep (GTP) will be available for the tax-filing season in February. The Controller’s Office will send an email to all Nonresident Aliens associated with Bowdoin when the software becomes available.  Please see the options below for tax filing assistance.

Glacier Sponsored:

2024 Tax Season GTP Live Sessions with a GLACIER Tax Professional

To participate in either the LIVE General Nonresident Alien Tax Session and/or the LIVE GTP Q&A sessions:

  • log into GTP;
  • from the menu, select “LIVE General Nonresident Alien Tax Information and GTP Q&A Sessions”; and
  • click on the link 
  • Information about the sessions

Tutorial Videos available within GLACIER Tax Prep

Bowdoin College Demo Video from 2020:

Nonresident Alien Maine Tax Return Filing

Please note that you will need to prepare your US Federal Tax return PRIOR to preparing your Maine return as the Maine return refers to amounts from your Federal return.   

Maine Revenue Services offers links to software companies offering tax preparation and e-filing services for filing your tax return.

Resident Alien Tax Filing

Resident Aliens may wish to use myfreetaxes, an online software that assists with tax returns at no charge. Other free tax preparations services are listed at the U.S. Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service website. There are also fee-based tax software programs available online such as Turbo Tax or H&R Block At Home.

Nonresident Aliens without US Source income

Nonresident Aliens who did not receive any income from US Sources are not required to file a US tax return; however, if you are a Nonresident Alien who is present in the US under an F, J, M or Q immigration status, you are required to file Form 8843 by April 15 of each calendar year, regardless of whether or not you have received any income.

Please note, the information contained in this website is not a substitute for advice obtained from the Internal Revenue Service or a qualified tax professional.

Frequently Asked Questions